Grosenia is a B2B (Business to Business) platform allowing wholesale buy/sell for SME in Indonesia. We aim to help SME for easy access for various source of products in one place. We also provide more access to Cargo Logistic and Credits. Indonesia retailers can connect to manufacturer, distributor or wholesaler which make sourcing easier.
All sellers need to pass a verification process to allow selling.
Buy various categories from Fashion, Apparel, Bag, Electronics, Home/Kitchen, Food/Beverages and Accessories directly from wholesaler.
- Choose only category that you want to see
- Chat directly to sellers to negotiate
- See the popular sellers and popular products
- Special product only for VIP Customer
- Logistic support, for Regular, Express and Cargo
Run your business with sourcing from Grosenia.
Wholesale buying will be more easier and cheaper.
Let's support the SMEs
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